Thursday, November 26, 2009

sma 8 denpasar bali

singapadu bali

(gianyar)singapadu trip

singapadu trip

monster back again

warrior feat slams


ags,, that is my name. people ask "why only ags, why should ags"
maybe they were confused who actually makes the name ags along the way .... yea I don't care people say I'm crazy,
just get the wall and bomb begins


hello" it's dope2.. I tried to make this Graff at night, although not very detailed. but I am very satisfied with the results of my own work

first graf

pop simple name
yea, we do not know how to make a good id
because we were a new artist who knows this street art
so do not know what to do...!!
We also had stopped him for 1 year, due to their time and activity "
but now we are together again and feel the spirit has made us understand this street art

This is the first graffiti that we made
maybe you think this work is not so attractive
but we try to be the best

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